Fundraising for the 3-Day

Sunday, January 30, 2011

What It's All About

So, I'm sitting here watching my daughter play and I can't help but think of all the Moms who can't.  All those Moms that lost their fight with breast cancer.  It just breaks my heart to think that any child should have to grow up without a parent.  That's why we have to end this disease!

I believe that finding the cure for breast cancer is an achievable goal.  It will take work (a LOT of work) but, we CAN and WILL defeat it.  Every one of us can play a role in the beating of breast cancer and there are several different ways we can do this.

The first and by far the most IMPORTANT thing all of us can do is focus on breast cancer awareness.  Look up the facts on breast cancer.  Learn your risk factors.  Look into your family's medical history.  And please, CHECK YOURSELF!  The earlier breast cancer is detected, the easier treatment will be.  PLEASE do a breast self exam AT LEAST once a month.  Be familiar with your breasts and know what's normal for you.  No one knows your body better than you do.  And spread your knowledge of breast cancer to those you care about.

Another important role you can play is participating in a walk such as the Susan G. Komen 3-Day for the Cure.  The 3-Day is an AMAZING cause.  So many men and women participate in this walk every year in several cities whether it be by walking or crewing.

The walkers (which is what I am) commit to raising a minimum of $2,300.  They raise that money by holding fundraisers, asking for donations or some combination of the two.  If they raise the minimum, they will then walk 60 miles over the course of 3 days.  They will camp out for 2 nights in a village of pink tents.  And they do all of this for you.  All their sweat, tears and blisters are to help fight breast cancer for everyone.

The people who crew are also extraordinary people.  They are the backbone of the walk.  Without them, none of it would be possible.  While people who crew don't have a minimum to raise, they can still raise a good amount of money but, their big role is to support the walkers.  They do this in many different ways whether it be medical help, helping with food and drinks or just by offering moral support.  They run all the pit stops along the walkers route and they are GREATLY appreciated.  The crew members also camp out for 2 nights.

And finally, another AMAZING way you could help in in the fight against breast cancer is by supporting a 3-Day participant (such as myself) with a donation.  All the money donated goes right to Susan G. Komen for the Cure.  Your contribution will help men and women get treatment who otherwise might not be able to.  It will also go towards research for finding the cure for breast cancer.  Also, keep in mind that walkers have to raise a MINIMUM of $2,300 in order to walk so, EVERY donation helps!

So please, won't you support me?  Just click on my 3-Day Donation Site link above and help me make it possible for more children to grow up without losing a parent to this horrible disease.  Help me make it possible for them to see a cure in their lifetime.

Once again, thanks for your time AND your generosity!

Friday, January 28, 2011

Yet Another Reason

So today I went to the doctor for my annual physical and I received some shocking news.  Apparently, on top of the PCOS, I now have high cholesterol (high enough where she wants me to take meds) and I am borderline diabetic, too.  Needless to say, this came as a shock to me.

At 29 years old, I didn't think I would have to worry about stuff like this yet.  I'm not too worried about it at this point though.  I know I can turn this around.

My plan now is to not only continue training for the 3-Day but to also train for life.  I am going to make some life changes so I can live more of an active and healthy lifestyle.

The first step in this change is to sign up for Weight Watchers.  I mean, let's face it, it's a lot more motivating when you know you're going to have to face a weekly weigh-in.  Plus, they'll be able to coach me on eating in a more healthy manner.

The second step is to make a promise to myself to exercise for at least an hour EVERY DAY!

Along with walking 60 miles in 3 days, I WILL change my lifestyle!  I know that with the love and support of my family and friends, I can accomplish ANYTHING!

Please, feel free to leave me your feedback!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

I Walk for Fertility

It seems like most of the people I know either just had a baby or are currently pregnant.  While I am so happy for them, it makes me feel kind of sad.  My husband and I have been trying to have another baby since our daughter was three.  It's been four years and still nothing.

When I was 16, I was diagnosed with PCOS (Poly-Cystic Ovary Syndrome); basically, I don't ovulate very often at all.  I was told that it would be very difficult for me to have children without help.  We are so lucky that we were able to have our daughter so easily.

We started to look into our fertility treatment options but, even with insurance, it is VERY expensive.  And add on to that the fact that you could pay all that money and still have nothing to show for it; it's just heartbreaking.

One glimmer of hope my doctor gave me is the fact that if I could lose some of the weight I have gained (mostly due to the PCOS), I could hopefully begin to ovulate more regularly again.  That is another good thing about doing this walk.

To physically be able to walk 60 miles in just 3 days, I will definitely have to train and I will have to train HARD.  It's all this training that will help me achieve my weight loss goal.  And with the weight loss, this training may also result in my husband and I finally having a second child.  Our daughter may finally get a sibling.

So, while I am so happy for everyone who is fortunate to be able to have children so easily, I just hope they all realize how truly blessed they are.

Once again, thanks for reading!  And I welcome any weight loss tips!  :D

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

♥ My Reason for Walking ♥

Okay, I'd like to take a minute to talk about my reason for walking...FAMILY...I mean, everything that we do somehow ties into family.

A few years ago, my aunt was diagnosed with thyroid cancer. After having surgery to remove it and kicking its @ss, she was cancer-free. Not too long after, a lump was found in her breast that turned out to be cancerous. She was diagnosed with breast cancer. That's right, she had a SECOND form of cancer. After undergoing a mastectomy, she was once again cancer-free. She is the ultimate survivor. As she fought off both cancers, she did so gracefully. I barely ever heard her complain and not once did I see her feeling sorry for herself. I on the other hand felt helpless.

I wanted so much to make it all better for her. I'm sure that on some level, it was selfish. I mean, it would be a way for me to have something to do other than sit around and worry about her health and what it would mean to me to lose her. How devastated I would be.

All my life, I have been very close to my aunt. She has been and always will be like another mother to me. I've always looked up to her as someone I'd like to become. She is strong, independent, caring, always willing to help someone in need and she's always there when you need someone to talk to. And the way she is as a mother sets a high standard for me to aim towards when raising my own daughter. So, when she got sick for the second time, I was scared. I don't know what I'd be without her in my life.

All I can say is I am so grateful that she's cancer-free today. It's so sad to think that not that long ago, any form of breast cancer was pretty much a death sentence. As years go by, that becomes less and less true. The strides that science has taken is unbelievable and a lot of this is due to the help of Susan G. Komen for the Cure and donors like you.

This is what made me decide to do the walk. My aunt was "lucky" to have escaped the grasp of breast cancer as easily as she did and that makes me think of all the women and men (yes, men can get breast cancer, too) who may not have had it so easy or who may have even lost their battle. I am doing this for ALL of them, not just my aunt. I dedicate my fundraising, my training and my 60 mile walk to ALL men, women and children who are now or have ever been affected by this horrible disease.

I walk for everyone. I walk for my aunt. I walk for a cancer-free future for my daughter. I walk for myself. I walk for YOU!

Thank you so much for taking the time to read this. Now, can I just as one more thing of you? Could you grab your wallet right now and make a donation TODAY? Help me help US! Together we can fight this. Just imagine it; a world WITHOUT breast cancer! This CAN be a reality!

My FIRST 3-Day!

Okay, so I've been sitting here for a while trying to think of something witty and entertaining to write about but, so far all I can think of to talk about is my fears and worries about the upcoming 3-Day.

For those of you who don't know, this year I am going to be walking in the Susan G. Komen 3-Day for the Cure.  I will be walking 60 MILES in 3 DAYS in Boston this July.  It is my first year doing this and hopefully, it won't be my last.  I am walking to help raise money towards the fight against breast cancer.  The money raised by me will go to Susan G. Komen for the Cure and will help women get educated about the disease as well as receive treatments and screenings they otherwise might not be able to afford.  It will also go towards research for different treatments that will hopefully someday lead to a cure.  I think the physical challenge of walking 60 miles is definitely worth the reward.  But, it's not the walk itself that has me nervous, it's the fund-raising.

In order to participate in the 3-Day, walkers are committed to raise a MINIMUM of $2,300...At first, I was like "Piece of cake!  Who doesn't want to help get rid of breast cancer?".  What I didn't realize is that in these hard times, a lot people don't really have much money to donate. My friend, Brandy and I did a few Gift-Wrapping events before the holidays to raise money and we mostly had slow nights.  We did have one really good day which was encouraging.  We also raffled off a fleece blanket which was a pretty good success.  Our current fundraisers are selling t-shirts and a Super Bowl pool.  It's the Super Bowl pool that has me so discouraged.

I thought that EVERYONE would love to get in on the Super Bowl pool...I mean, it's FOOTBALL and GAMBLING!  Who doesn't love those?  But, for some reason, the squares aren't selling that good.  I do have some good supporters who are trying to help me out and I appreciate everything they're doing.  And I'm still slightly optimistic that there will be a sudden demand for these squares but, it's hard to keep your head up when it's going so slow.  I'm thinking that maybe what's keeping people from doing it is the not realizing how much good they'd be doing.

The money from the pool is not JUST gambling money...It's also a donation towards finding the cure for BREAST CANCER!  Every 7 squares that sell covers that cost of patient transportation to a treatment session.  Every 12 squares that sell supports a 3-Day walker for her/his 60-mile journey.  Every 24 squares covers a life-saving mammogram for someone who otherwise may not be able to afford one.  And if ALL 100 squares sell for a total of $500 towards fund-raising; well, that would be about the amount of miles I will walk while in training for the walk....If I can walk all those miles, can't you help me raise that money?

My hope in doing this blog is to bring awareness to the Susan G. Komen 3-Day for the Cure and to bring attention to the fight against breast cancer!  TOGETHER, we CAN do this!!!