Fundraising for the 3-Day

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

My FIRST 3-Day!

Okay, so I've been sitting here for a while trying to think of something witty and entertaining to write about but, so far all I can think of to talk about is my fears and worries about the upcoming 3-Day.

For those of you who don't know, this year I am going to be walking in the Susan G. Komen 3-Day for the Cure.  I will be walking 60 MILES in 3 DAYS in Boston this July.  It is my first year doing this and hopefully, it won't be my last.  I am walking to help raise money towards the fight against breast cancer.  The money raised by me will go to Susan G. Komen for the Cure and will help women get educated about the disease as well as receive treatments and screenings they otherwise might not be able to afford.  It will also go towards research for different treatments that will hopefully someday lead to a cure.  I think the physical challenge of walking 60 miles is definitely worth the reward.  But, it's not the walk itself that has me nervous, it's the fund-raising.

In order to participate in the 3-Day, walkers are committed to raise a MINIMUM of $2,300...At first, I was like "Piece of cake!  Who doesn't want to help get rid of breast cancer?".  What I didn't realize is that in these hard times, a lot people don't really have much money to donate. My friend, Brandy and I did a few Gift-Wrapping events before the holidays to raise money and we mostly had slow nights.  We did have one really good day which was encouraging.  We also raffled off a fleece blanket which was a pretty good success.  Our current fundraisers are selling t-shirts and a Super Bowl pool.  It's the Super Bowl pool that has me so discouraged.

I thought that EVERYONE would love to get in on the Super Bowl pool...I mean, it's FOOTBALL and GAMBLING!  Who doesn't love those?  But, for some reason, the squares aren't selling that good.  I do have some good supporters who are trying to help me out and I appreciate everything they're doing.  And I'm still slightly optimistic that there will be a sudden demand for these squares but, it's hard to keep your head up when it's going so slow.  I'm thinking that maybe what's keeping people from doing it is the not realizing how much good they'd be doing.

The money from the pool is not JUST gambling money...It's also a donation towards finding the cure for BREAST CANCER!  Every 7 squares that sell covers that cost of patient transportation to a treatment session.  Every 12 squares that sell supports a 3-Day walker for her/his 60-mile journey.  Every 24 squares covers a life-saving mammogram for someone who otherwise may not be able to afford one.  And if ALL 100 squares sell for a total of $500 towards fund-raising; well, that would be about the amount of miles I will walk while in training for the walk....If I can walk all those miles, can't you help me raise that money?

My hope in doing this blog is to bring awareness to the Susan G. Komen 3-Day for the Cure and to bring attention to the fight against breast cancer!  TOGETHER, we CAN do this!!!


  1. Amanda-thank you for caring enough to do something as BOLD as walking 60 miles. Let alone the challenge in today's tough economy to raise over $2300,,but I have faith in YOU! People will come around, a few dollars here and there truly does add up. Keep the faith and keep believing that you CAN and ARE making a difference in the battle to find a cure. God Bless you and all your efforts--we CAN do this! We WILL find a cure! Rock on, walk on and keep asking for support,,,it will come.

  2. Thanks so much for your support Kathy! I'm sure I'll be able to raise the money. Especially with the Kids' Festival that we're trying to put together and the Bake Sales what we're doing. I just had a moment of weakness where I was doubting myself.
